Sunday, March 18, 2012

a glimpse

to be
the best and still be unwanted,
to have someone who would look past the way I acted.
Keep disappearing but wanting to be found,
please realize I want you to look for me around…
Keep pushing people away,
and cry my heart out if they won’t stay
Keep giving until I have nothing left,
receive something and label it as theft.
Stay happy and refuse to grieve,
Like a tree in Autumn losing its leaves.
Give comfort despite the heartbreaking pain,
Try hard not to go astray,
even if there’s nowhere I can stay
Keep my ground while aiming far,
fall so hard before even reaching the stars…

To be
in a crowd and still be lonely,
Alone and be haunted by melancholy

To have friends but wary to trust,
Try to give my best and still eat the dust…
Speak and give away nothing
Listen and take everything
To shatter and still remain intact
Give myself completely and fall apart,
pick up the pieces for a heartbreaking start…
Damaged good and still remain fragile,
Go through hell and still manage to show a genuine smile…

To be
in one place but be everywhere
surrounded by love but feel empty,
surrounded by tragedy and feel no sympathy…
Wise but taken for a fool,
selfless in a way perceived as cruel.
Give my all and be treated the worst,
Endure every beating because its affection I
Ironically tragic, sarcastically funny,
that’s what I am unknown to everybody….

this poem was inspired by another poem.
this poem is still incomplete.


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