Saturday, March 24, 2012

Oratorical Piece no.1

“Losing faith, holding on to dreams.”
I have lost faith on our leaders.

During elections we see people who have qualified to run for offices vie for the favor of the Filipinos by blabbering their ideas for the common good of the Philippines and the entire Filipino populace. The people would listen, decide and finally cast their votes. The people trust their judgment in choosing their officials based on what can be used as proof or evidence that these officials are worthy of the position but most of the time the people’s judgment is wrong because these officials are masters of hypocrisy; at the end, some live up to the expectations and have a promising career, some would end up being 1) ousted through revolutions, 2) the reason for mass demonstrations of people and different groups on the streets 3) on the front page of the newspaper looking hideous and not worthy of sympathy despite of their condition and 4) on a hospital arrest because they were not granted permission to leave the country even if its for health reasons. All of these and many more have been just a response to graft and corruption being committed by the people who were supposed to forward the interest of the Filipino populace through effective governance but never did; never even tried to do it.

Graft and corruption are crimes committed by those people who are practitioners of fraud and illicit activities through power tripping. These people are usually those who possess a limited vocabulary and consider INTEGRITY and HONESTY foreign terms, have superior ability in lying, amazingly thick-faced, unbelievably shameless, and despicable in every sense of the word that upon being elected in office would start planning on how to increase personal wealth and lavish on the prestige, privileges and power that their position offers and these kinds of leaders are the ones who inflict more damage to our country.

The damages being inflicted by these people are so grave that they ought to be hanged or be guillotined for the crimes they have committed just like what peoples of other nations do to those leaders who have brought nothing but misfortune to their country because of selfish interests but the Filipino people have always been emotional in decision making that justice is undermined because of their pity, their belief of forgiveness and the benefit of the doubt they give to these wrong doers thus these vile creatures we call officials have a lot of nerve to succumb to moral perversion and betray the people’s trust.

These corrupt officials rob the people of a multitude of opportunities which could have been provided only with effective governance.

These corrupt officials kill people who have trusted them.

These corrupt officials have laid the Philippines prey to those exploiting foreigners.

And these corrupt made the Filipinos turn their back to their country and bow their heads in shame.
It’s unbelievable to think that a few people can actually bring this kind of suffering to an entire nation. But then again, it’s what power does to those who are weak enough to succumb to its temptation and for several years, decades, the Philippines has been falling victim to these kind of people. It’s a pity to watch a country which promises a lot of potential to stagnate rather than to develop.

That’s why I have lost faith on the present.

In Egypt, Mubarak was tried publicly despite of his health condition. In Libya, Qadhafi was killed. The officials were held accountable of what they did and the people make sure that justice will be served.
In the Philippines, the former President who has committed cases of graft and corruption is now a congresswoman and escapes charges that are being filed against her and the people can’t do anything but pressure the government, which seems to be under her clutches, to do the right thing.

That’s why I have lost faith on the system.

I have always thought that the situations will change. I have always believed that someday a philosopher king or leader would bring our country back to its former glory: glory which at some point we have experienced in the past, glory which stimulated the potentials of our country but as years pass, I began to doubt this. An average youth losing faith because of what the current leaders are doing… and it pains me to admit the truth that at some point the youth right now, yes the youth which are the future of the country, are falling into passiveness… they have stopped caring all because of these offenders whose crimes are paraded in public yet are still unpunished because of the power they hold. The greatest shame a youth could witness is a failing justice system because of corruption because it takes all hopes away and when that hope is gone, no one will aim for change.

What troubles me is the threat of the youth of today following on the footsteps of corrupt officials. With the existence of the Sangguniang Kabataan where young leaders are being educated on graft and corruption and if that young man or lady does not know better, he or she will probably end up being dishonest.

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream of equality and freedom. ABBA had a dream of a song to sing. Well, I have dreams for my country; dreams which could not be taken away from me even by the rampant graft and corruption cases that plague our country. I have a dream of not hearing any insults directed to my country men. I have a dream of living in a country which lives up to its potentials. I have a dream of a justice system not being monopolized by powerful wrong doers. I have a dream of having a leader to look up to and would lead this country into progress. I have a dream that maybe I would be the one to fulfill these dreams. I have these dreams and I’ll continue dreaming until these dreams turn into reality.

I have these dreams. And that’s why I have to recover my lost faiths.

The topic was about Government Officials in the Philippines(not sure). My piece for the elimination round-Nov. 28, 2011.


My beacon

A mentor and I can say, a friend, one day brought this paper wrapped thing in our class. He sat next to me then and showed me this paper which even at first glance you'll know that there is something inside. I looked at him questioningly but he didn't pay any attention. I looked at what's on my armchair and there was a scribble on that particular wrap, it says "Waiting to be found by someone deserving" (I'm not sure if this was what was written verbatim since it has been a long time and my memory is a bit foggy but I think the thought is the same). When I opened it I saw this book of poems with illustration and some of my favorite poems are in this book. I fell in love at first sight for this book but I wished that it will indeed be found by someone deserving (I am secretly wishing that it will be me). I never saw the book again.

The price for the person who will get the highest rating (rating will be given by the entire class and by my professor) will receive a bottle of Johnny Walker Whiskey Swing.

credits to Google for this image

Come the day of my turn for impromptu speaking (this was one of the requirements for our final exams in Public Speaking) and the topic that I got was "EYES". We had 10 minutes to prepare and 3 minutes to deliver a speech. All the time I was preparing, a particular comment made by a senior (from my organization) for some reason is on repeat in my head and that is "I am not a fast thinker." But I'll just shake my head and say f*** it. I tried my best to put my thoughts in order. When I delivered my piece, I gave up on winning the Whiskey Swing because my classmates' pieces are really good and there are others which haven't delivered their pieces yet.

Come results day, I was not the one who got the highest rating. A classmate of mine beat me to it but getting praises for my speech is enough for me. For people to appreciate what you do, it's worth it.

I was surprised though that my professor announced that the person who got the second highest rating will also receive a price.

This I will forever treasure.
I got this as a prize for getting the second highest rating for our impromptu speech in Public Speaking.
I got it. I guess, I deserved it.
My craft. My first love.


To everywhere.

I have a penchant for good shoes. When I see a pair which I really like, I'll do everything to have that pair.

Even as a child I already believed that shoes take you to the best places. It takes you anywhere...and never complain.

To everywhere.


Sunday, March 18, 2012


Why have you become so withdrawn? Detached… and confined yourself into your own world? or are you spacing out into another world?

The reason’s simple. I no longer feel a connection. And that I have to search for myself because I’m afraid not knowing who I am… I’m afraid that if I don’t take some time off to reflect or just to be alone.. I’ll lose myself forever. Emptiness makes me feel. Loneliness though unwanted is needed… it makes you realize many things… it makes you accept the things which can be both the reason for your laughs and tears. Loneliness makes you look forward to the smiles and laughter while immersed in tears. Sometimes, enlightenment comes when you are in your weakest point.

Why do I space out into another world? Simple, I am looking for that connection. I want to become one or part of something and if I don’t feel that anymore, it’s like I no longer exist. That connection makes me feel alive; it gives me a sense of belongingness— a drive to live. It gives me happiness that when there will come a time that I’m alone… I know that it won’t be that way for long… or if I have nothing to do, I know it’s temporary because the connection is there. It’s like a string to a kite that even if it’s far away it is still with you because of that string. But there will come a point when the kite won’t answer to my tugging or to my hold and that’s when the connection ends. I’m alone and God knows what or how I feel but I need it. I need to re-connect with myself and I do that when I withdraw myself from everything… until I find that connection again... I have to want to find that connection.

You like exploring but you are afraid of losing yourself. Isn’t that a contradiction? When you explore you find out new things and that means you forget some… change. Discover something that you are until that moment of discovery. It’s like a snake shedding its skin… when you explore you shed your skin and get a new one but you are still you.

It’s ok to explore and immerse yourself in any world that you like but never lose yourself in that world. Gnothi seauton. And I can only do that when I detach myself from everything.


Why then are we so curious of what others think of us? Why do we have to know ourselves through others?

Knowing oneself through the eyes of “others” is stupid. If you use the eyes of others to discover who you are, you’ll never know what and who you really are. You are submerging yourself in their own biases. You can never know what your own biases are and you can never look at things in your own perception. You will be looking at everything and everyone through the eyes of others. Your objectivity relies on the subjectivity of others.


a glimpse

to be
the best and still be unwanted,
to have someone who would look past the way I acted.
Keep disappearing but wanting to be found,
please realize I want you to look for me around…
Keep pushing people away,
and cry my heart out if they won’t stay
Keep giving until I have nothing left,
receive something and label it as theft.
Stay happy and refuse to grieve,
Like a tree in Autumn losing its leaves.
Give comfort despite the heartbreaking pain,
Try hard not to go astray,
even if there’s nowhere I can stay
Keep my ground while aiming far,
fall so hard before even reaching the stars…

To be
in a crowd and still be lonely,
Alone and be haunted by melancholy

To have friends but wary to trust,
Try to give my best and still eat the dust…
Speak and give away nothing
Listen and take everything
To shatter and still remain intact
Give myself completely and fall apart,
pick up the pieces for a heartbreaking start…
Damaged good and still remain fragile,
Go through hell and still manage to show a genuine smile…

To be
in one place but be everywhere
surrounded by love but feel empty,
surrounded by tragedy and feel no sympathy…
Wise but taken for a fool,
selfless in a way perceived as cruel.
Give my all and be treated the worst,
Endure every beating because its affection I
Ironically tragic, sarcastically funny,
that’s what I am unknown to everybody….

this poem was inspired by another poem.
this poem is still incomplete.



Write to me my love and put your feelings into words
express it in metaphors but never in hyperboles
because they only disappoint

Write to me now and make me feel your love
caress me with the sweetness of your words
and melt the ice made by your actions

Write to me my love and give me something to hold on to
I’m hanging on a cliff and I’m about to let go
Write to me and let your words save me

Write to me my love, heed my request
though I push you away,
I only want you to stay

Write to me my love
and let me know you’ll stay…

A product of walking… This poem was inspired by my penchant for letters


in a shade of gray

favorite page… I wanna explore the world with a camera on one hand and a pen and paper on the other.
