Silence hugs our team as the news of our teammate's loss was
I thought of what I should say or do but then I just sighed
and suddenly a though pops into my head "I don't know
how it feels to lose your mother
but I know how it feels to lose someone so dear and I know grief."
but then, will my words have any effect? I'm not afraid to die
but I don't like the feeling of being left behind.
Sometimes, it skips my mind that life is so short and unpredictable.
And that the last goodbyes are always left unsaid.
the last thank yous are always unheard by the person
you are telling it to.And what's left is most of the time, regrets.
Regrets for words unuttered, thanks unsaid, apologies never
made, forgiveness never given.
Coz you know what,
no matter how expressive you are there
will always be regrets on the should've beens.
So how do we deal with this? We just move on? remember them? But remembering them means remembering the regrets?
How do we remember without remembering the regrets?
-written 27 Feb 2013